Guilty Verdict for Butte Bail Bondsman and Bounty Hunter


Helena, Montana –Bondsman Jay Steven Hubber and bounty-hunting partner, Nicholas John Jaeger, were found guilty of aggravated burglary and deliberate homicide (Hubber by accountability) this past Thursday. The shooting death of William Harris occurred after Hubber and Jaeger charged into Harris’ home unlawfully looking for David Sandoval (the bail jumper). During a struggle with Harris, Jaeger (a convicted felon) grabbed Hubber’s gun and shot Harris. Prosecutors told the jury “Nick Jaeger pulled the trigger and Jay Hubber pulled the strings.” The jury came to their decision Thursday night after five hours of deliberations. It took more than two years to bring the case to trial.  

“The vast majority of bail bonds people do things correctly.  However, when someone does something wrong, they must be held accountable.  In this instance, they were wrong and have been held accountable,” Commissioner Troy Downing said. “I am pleased with this verdict; I think it will go a long way to ensuring public safety.

The deadly incident was the impetus behind the law brought forth by Commissioner Downing during the 2022 state Legislature to crack down on “Wild West” bounty-hunting tactics in Montana. Among other things, it forbids convicted felons from acting as bond agents. The newly passed legislation will require new bail bondsmen to undergo 40 hours of training in areas including constitutional law, use of force, procedures for arresting a defendant and surrendering a defendant into custody.

The CSI is doing its part to regulate this industry and keep Montana safe.

Media inquiries: Laura Shirtliff 406.444.0903 or

The Montana State Auditor, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance is the state regulator of the insurance and securities industries for the state of Montana. The State Auditor is also an ex officio member of the Montana Board of Land Commissioners. Troy Downing was elected State Auditor in 2020. CSI can be found online at:


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