We are committed to processing your requests in the most efficient manner possible. The links below provide specific instructions and forms to complete your licensing requests. To complete your licensing transactions online, please visit the National Insurance Producer Registry at www.nipr.com.
The renewal process is different for each license. Please read the instructions carefully. When in doubt, email us before completing your renewal. Your renewal date can be found in the upper right-hand corner of your license. If you cannot find what you need, please ask.
State Based Systems (SBS) is an electronic system provided by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). The state of Montana partners with SBS for the following online services:
All resident and non-resident insurance producers, adjusters, and consultants licensed in Montana must complete continuing education every 2 years.
Continuing education course completions are reported directly to the CSI by the course provider. However, it may take up to 30 days for the provider to report the completion to our office. If you do not complete your CE 30 days in advance of your license expiration, your license may lapse.
—Persons licensed as a producer for any of the lines of property, casualty, surety, title, life, health, disability, or as an adjuster or consultant:
- Must complete 24 approved credit hours by the license lapse/renewal date each biennial.
- Must include a minimum of 1 approved credit hour of legislative changes in Montana insurance statutes and administrative rules as part of each biennial continuing education filing.
- Must include a minimum of 3 approved credit hours of ethics as part of each biennial continuing education filing.
—Persons licensed to sell only limited lines credit insurance (credit life and credit disability, involuntary unemployment insurance, GAP or other credit insurance), prepaid legal insurance, or surety bail bonds:
- Must complete 5 approved credit hours by the license lapse/renewal date each biennial.
- Must include a minimum of 1 approved credit hour of legislative changes in Montana insurance statutes and administrative rules as part of each biennial continuing education filing.
- The remaining credit hours must be in the areas of insurance law, ethics, or topics specific to surety bail bonds, prepaid legal insurance, or limited lines credit insurance.
—Producers selling annuities: § 33-20-807, MCA
- Must complete a one-time, 4 credit training course approved by the CSI and provided by a CSI-approved education provider.
—Producers selling flood insurance: 70 FR 52117, 52118 (Part IV, Sec. 1, Subsection 2)
- Licensed resident insurance producers who sell federal flood insurance policies must complete a one-time 3 hour course approved for National Flood Insurance Program training, or such later requirements as are published by FEMA.
—Producers selling long-term care: § 33-22-1128, MCA
- Must complete a one-time training course not less than 8 hours.
- Must complete ongoing training not less than 4 hours for each 24-month period.
—Viatical settlement brokers: § 33-20-1303(5), MCA
- Must complete continuing education in the subjects of life insurance, viaticals and/or ethics.
—Non-resident adjusters who live in a state with no continuing education requirements:
- Must complete 24 hours of continuing education.
- Must either complete Montana CE or designate a CE completion state.
Issuers eligible for the crowdfunding exemption are required to use the Montana Crowdfunding Form as the disclosure document for the offering.
This form utilizes both “check-the-box” and question and answer formats for simplicity. The form is designed for use by start-up companies whose principals may prepare the form themselves instead of relying on the expertise of attorneys and accountants. The questions presented in the form are designed to elicit specific types of information of special relevance to start-up companies and other small businesses. CSI Securities Division examiners may review and comment on the disclosure provided and may request revisions or additional disclosure before the offering is declared exempt.
One unique aspect of the form is that its questions present issues that a start-up or other small business may need to address to become successful. Thus, in providing responses, a company is compelled to create a business plan describing its anticipated steps to success. If the form is filled out properly, the assumptions and weaknesses in the plan should be evident, and these should be prominently disclosed as risk factors in the offering.
The Montana Crowdfunding Form is a Microsoft Word document that contains macros. When asked whether to enable macros in the document, you must select “Enable” for the form to function properly.
- Application
- Appointment SAI 33
- Termination